Friday, December 26, 2008

Une princesse doit le blog!

Bonjour darlings, I am Roxy. My human servant (HS) claims I am a Jack Russell Terrier. I, however, know I am a purebred Princess. I am spoiled rotten and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have 3 brothers, Samson the White German Shepherd, and 2 tabby kittens. I simply oppose all of them, but we are forced to share living quarters which I don't get at ALL. I enjoy long walks and chasing squirrels. My favorite treats are the Raspberry Dogargaritas from my pal Sadie's bakery ( I LOVE participating in gift exchanges on my favorite website! What's that you ask? Only the greatest of course! I can chat with my friends, look at other doggie's picfurs, and even get great information on mealth, grooming, and more. *yawn* a Princess needs her beauty sleep.

Au Revoir,

1 comment:

  1. Roxy, you are so cute you little princess you! I want to follow you, but I can't find the button =o


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